OLADE Promotes Regional Cooperation with Haiti
22 de marzo de 2013

Among the proposals for cooperation in the energy sector where OLADE can provide support.

Taken from OLADE Website

Quito, March 22- Following the mandate of the Ministers of OLADE, the Executive Secretary of OLADE, Victorio Oxilia, accompanied by representatives of Cuba (Liliana Garcia and Aníbal Álvarez Atanes Eusebio), Ecuador (Juan Diego Jacome) and from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Cesar Mercado), CIDA - OLADE Cooperation Project Manager, Byron Chiliquinga, and Consultant from the Sub-regional Office of OLADE for the Caribbean, Conroy Watson, conducted an official mission to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in order to identify areas, issues and modalities of cooperation with that country. It is the first mission of cooperation carried out by the regional body after the earthquake in 2010.

OLADE's staff and representatives of the Member Countries developed an extensive working agenda in the Haitian capital prepared by the National Coordinator of OLADE in Haiti, Dr. Marc Antoine Archer. The delegations were received by the Secretary General of the Prime Minister of Haiti, Mr. Lucien Francoeur, the Minister in charge of Energy Security, Dr. René Jean-Jumeau, Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications, Dr. Jacques Rousseau and the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Azad Belfort and other senior officials in the energy sector and the National Electricity Company of Haiti (EDH).

Among the proposals for cooperation in the energy sector where OLADE can provide support, we can mention the following: a) training for the energy authorities in energy planning, b) Studies on evaluation and technical assistance in the electricity sector: generation expansion, institutional framework, regulations, tariffs, c) Regional Energy Information System (SIER) d) South-South cooperation in areas such as energy efficiency.

The OLADE's' Executive Secretariat has expressed its gratitude to the Haitian authorities for their support during the mission and deep appreciation to the delegations of Cuba, Ecuador and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. These delegations have already provided active support to the government of Haiti and have decided to join efforts with OLADE as a regional organization, during this mission. It is also worth mentioning the good will expressed by of all OLADE's Member Countries to support the various cooperation activities with Haiti.